Megen A. Macdonald, LMHC, LMFT, LLC

My goal as a therapist is to help my clients live their best lives. For each person this may be something different. The experience of therapy can help you to discover who you are as a person. It will provide a platform for you to resolve the problems you came in with, as well as evolve individually and in your relationships. This process will support your growth and development, creating new insights and skills that will allow you to maximize your potential.
The work I do with clients brings a vibrance and freshness to life that comes from conquering your personal challenges so that you can maximize your experience in relationship with yourself and others.The level of growth that comes from going beyond survival mode can be life-changing and deeply rewarding.
The range of results that clients experience as a response to their efforts in therapy are:
A reduction in stress
Improvement in mood
A sense of peace and ease
Improvement in all relationships
Increase in enjoyment and productivity
More clarity and self-empowerment
An increase in self-confidence
A deeper sense of fulfillment
Attitude improvement
Better parenting skills
Effective decision making skills
Improved communication skills
A sense of individuality and connection
Attunement with their inner wisdom
A deeper sense of health and balance
Teaching, facilitating and helping my clients master these aspects of growth and development is my passion and the focus of my practice and work as a therapist. I encourage you to join me as you take the journey to living your very best life. Please call for a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation. 941.400.8736